uMoya-NILU is a
South African air quality consulting company that brings the benefits
of strong South African expertise and experience together with the
extensive resources offered by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research
(NILU) to address Air Quality Management challenges facing a range of
stakeholders in southern Africa.
With strong ethics and values, uMoya-NILU's mission is to provide clients with Air Quality Management Solutions that are well researched, appropriate, and sustainable. The experience of the uMoya-NILU personnel has been developed through their involvement in operational air quality management and in consulting and research projects over a collective period of more than 30 years.
uMoya-NILU is truly a South African company with bona fide Broad Based BEE credentials, with non-white South African directors on the board who hold 40% of the company’s shares and a Level 1 BEE rating.
uMoya-NILU's diverse and experienced team offers services in many fields relating to air quality management and planning. For more information, please refer to our services listed below, and to the right.
our services
- Air Quality Management Planning
- Air Quality Baseline and Impact Assessments
- Ambient Monitoring
- Emission Inventories
- Calibration and Analytical Services
- Stack Emissions Sampling and Testing
- Leak Detection and Repair
- Atmospheric Emission Licence (AEL) Applications
- Training